Friday, 17 February 2012

Stocking up for winter and a little baking...

I'm still catching up with the blog from things I did last year - I guess this is the perils of having little cupcakes of my own and working... So, this was me making the most of the bountiful fruits of autumn and laying a little in store for gifting and enjoying over the festive season.
We had some lovely apples from next door and some tomatoes from our garden...
We also made the most of what was in natural abundance and collected blackberries, sloes and elderberries - most of which were added to gin to make a range of liqueurs to give as gifts for Christmas, although I did make some into some very lovely elderberry and clove jelly to go with cooked meats.  The lemons weren't local or season, but I LOVE preserved lemons and often make them to keep in to add to things!

The bread was our usual running as we endeavour to make all of the bread that we eat, and the cakes were part of the basis of the birthday cake for my daughter which is coming up in another post!

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