Sunday, 8 May 2011


Crikey! I can't believe it's been so long since I last blogged - how time flies now I have 2 little cupcakes of my own! Still, I have been baking and trying lots of new things and so I'll start with the most recent and work backover until I'm up to date...
Cakes change like fashions and the latest thing at the moment is cakepops, so I thought I'd give it a whirl. I bought a book (Pop Bakery by Claire O'Connell, although I wish I'd bought Cake Pops by Bakerella...) and some sticks and set off on a new adventure! First I made a chocolate cake to the recipe given in the book - which was a fairly standard recipe - and as per the instructions left it to cool overnight. Then cake the hard part, putting my pristine chocolate cake into the food processor to blitz into crumbs - this felt like an act of sacrilege but was for the greater good! I then mixed the crumbs with cream cheese and icing sugar to enable me to form them into balls.

The balls were then chilled in the fridge before I popped them onto sticks and dipped them into white chocolate. I really want to try this again, but using the recommended candy melts as the White chocolate wasn't a brilliant consistency for dipping. However, they turned out ok!
Naked cake pops...

Naked cake pops again...

Dipping the cake pops...

Official cake pop tester...

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