Sunday, 8 May 2011

Another new baking book!

I had wanted to try making fabulously iced sugar biscuits for a long time, but the things holding me back were the lack of a successfully stable biscuit recipe and a general fear of the fancy icing.  However, as time went on I became more and more obsessed about trying it and so purchased the very fabulous Biscuiteers Book of Iced Biscuits (see and decided to give it a go.  Although perversely I used the sugar biscuit recipe from the Hummingbird Bakery Cookbook as it didn't require chilling...  My motivation for this baking session was to make a gift for a colleague who was having a lovely May Day wedding.
So I made the biscuits and left them to cool, and then made the icing - this time to the Biscuiteers recipe! and this is what I came up with...

 Iced and ready to go...

Dressed up for the wedding

 Good to go!

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