Sunday, 24 July 2011

Secret cake projects

In addition to the cakes I have updated pictures of, I also have two secret cake projects on the go.  Both are for weddings for friends and both are very exciting in their own ways.

I can't say more as I don't want to spoil the surprise for either the other guests and the brides, but both involve LOTS of cupcakes!

Impropmptu birthday party!

So, we'd invited some people round for dinner and it turned out they'd also invited some people round for dinner (in a big hilarious mix up kind of way! and we knew the people they'd invited)... However, they just live in our street, so they brought their dinner to our dinner and their company and we all had dinner together!  I was also informed there was a birthday and so I made a cake.
I also made summer pudding and a jelly, which don't really count as baking, but the do look lovely in glass comports...

We all scream for ice cream!

You know when you have nothing better to do (which for me usually winds up with time for a Mills and Boon...), but your mind kind of wanders into 'what if' territory... Well, I wondered what would happen if I used those little flat bottomed ice cream cones instead of cupcake cases.  So, the next time I was shopping I picked some up and here's what happened...

Cakes with flakes that look like ice creams!  I needed to work on the icing a little as if it had been a bit stiffer I could have made them a bit taller, however, I thought it was quite amusing!

Inspired by the Pet Lamb Patisserie girls!

I can't claim any originality with these cakes - we had seen them for sale by the lovely ladies at the Pet Lamb Patisserie and I shamelessly replicated them...
I did cherry cola which I was very pleased with, although I have since learned (courtesy of the very lovely Hummingbird Bakery Cake Days book, that the trick is to use the syrup you get for the fizzy drinks machines, rather than the actual fizzy drink itself!).

I also did jammy ones with real Jammie Dodgers on the top - the cake also had jam in the middle!

Cake baubles

I spotted this in the city centre and thought it was super cute... sadly I didn't get the name of the cake shop, so if it's you then let me know and I'll happily acknowledge it.  I'm quite keen to try this for myself and have spotted the glass baubles... I'll keep you posted!

Miscellaneous cupcakes!

I didn't label these at the time and now I can't remember what they are... they look like they are probably coconut and Malibu!

I also think I was trying out plan swirly icing rather than using a fluted nozzle...

Cupcake pants!

I found these leggings by a company called Blade and Rose, and just had to have them for my little cupcake!